Monday, January 19, 2015

Our Favorite Kind of Night

Our favorite kind of night consists of a walk to the railroad tracks...
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The girls always say- "Let's go to the woods!"
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I love them.
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What are dresses good for anyway?!?
Looking pretty you say?
Wrong answer moose-breath!
Loading up rocks of course.
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She looks satisfied with her haul...
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A walk to the railroad tracks isn't complete without our Dixie dog.
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The kids were so amused with this huge pothole that had filled up with muddy water on the side of the road. It pretty much made their whole night. Seriously, happiness comes too easy for these littles. I want to be more like them when I grow up.
Dad provided the ammunition... 
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Throw it in!!!! 
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Throw it in again!!!
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So proud of himself. He could have done that all day long!!!
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And that my friends is what we call---
 Our favorite kind of night.


Glen and Kris Payne said...

It reminds of that church film - moments. You are so good at creating them.

Pop and Nana said...

We can't wait to be a part of your next family walk! Love Sunday walks, especially with mud puddles and cute kids with rocks!

Josh and Denise said...

Such yummy lighting! I want to walk with y'all! Dakota, too!