Friday, January 16, 2015

Maggie turns FOUR!!!

One day Maggie out of the blue says, "Mom take my picture!!!"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Could this be a dream???
With no time to waste I grabbed my camera and cut some black ribbon to match the dress Maggie picked out, and then we went to front yard and took some pictures.
It was sunny and high noon and I'm surprised how much I love these pictures anyway! 

Love this one so much. I can hear her talking when I look at this picture! 
I also love to stare at those eyelashes!
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Love that Maggie smile!!!
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Beautiful from the inside out...
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I love the colors in this one!!! 
Out of blue bell ice cream, chips and salsa, some healthy stuff, and a whole lot of love! 
WOW! Just incredible.
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Maggie and I have had a special bond since she started growing in my tummy! I know it sounds crazy but it's so true. It's like my body and mind were in perfect harmony. It was my best pregnancy and newborn experience so far. And ever since I laid eyes on her I knew we were meant to be together.
She's my strong Ranger baby. She came to me in a time of turmoil in my life.
She was the calm of the storm.
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I just wanna go kiss those cheeks right now!!!
I think I will! Hold on a minute!
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Okay, I'm back! haha!
I had to include these ones from the family pictures because they are so darn perfect.
I love you Maggie Ila!
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I remember the first time I spoke with Daddy on the phone after having you.
I only had about five minutes to talk.
The first thing I said was, she's got blue eyes and blonde hair and she's perfect.
And you still are.
Happy Birthday my love!!!
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1 comment:

William said...

Tears after reading that