Saturday, September 29, 2012

TOFW- Seek the Good

I finally had the opportunity to experience my first Time Out for Women! I'd heard out them, but had never been to one before. I was very excited to hear the speakers and Lord knows I needed the boost. Having things to look forward to is a must in life particularly when it feels like you're living life one day at a time. 

Since deployment started I've been very tenacious and gun-hoe about always having things to look forward to. It could be small things like the zoo, a long run, a lunch date to Chick-fil-a with my girlies, bike rides, and taking a nap with the girls. Or it could be big things like trips to see family and friends, races, pedicures, and Time Out for Women. If you're feeling blue, may I suggest finding something, ANYTHING to look forward to... it works for me.
The girls and I, correction Rachel and I, have been a little out of sorts in recent weeks and this was just what the doctor ordered. The theme was "Seek the Good". I love that theme because of the word SEEK. Seeking is action, seeking takes effort, and seeking can be a challenge. Sometimes seeking the good means not settling until you find it. Anxiety, worry, stress, and the occasional bag of Dove chocolates is okay! It happens. But there comes a time where I've got to put my foot down and say enough! 
I'm going to be happy. I've got to be happy. I need to be happy!
Let's go to the park. Let's call a friend. Let's play "Just Dance 3"!  Let's color a picture for Daddy! Let's go to the library! Let's just go for a drive and see where that takes us today... usually target! haha! You get my drift though. 
Sis Hinckley puts it best when she says, 
"The only way to get through life is to life your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a head-ache."   
She's right. Laughing is definitely the way to go. 

The whole TOFW crew... Aunt Jen, Me, Mom, and Nana    
Hilary Weeks spoke about "clicking" for happy thoughts. She is an excellent speaker by the way. Anyhow, my Mom got me my very own clicker. I decided to put in on my rear view mirror and click for positive thoughts while I'm on the road. I'll have you know I'm up to 43 since I took this picture, haha...
Our car's tummy started rumbling so we had to stop to fill it up. During which I caught a glimpse of this little beauty knawing on an apple. Let's see... deep blue eyes, juicy green apples, happy car tummy, strawberries (because her shirt reminded me), kisses blown from the back seat, and my two Payne girls...
click click click click click click...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great thoughts, Jessica!! Sis. Hinckley is the best! By the way, I'm working on starting my own blog :)