Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Eve

Here we are reading the classic Christmas story; we always start with that one first. Rachel really grasped it this year. We set up the nativity pieces together and told the story. She loved it!! So much fun to see.  
What is that girl thinking? Here are a few guesses... "Is Pop being serious right now?", "Pop's got glasses? I want to wear them!" 

No room in the Inn for Jesus?  Rachel was distraught!
And now for the story that my Dad read to us every single year since I can remember, The Cajun Night Before Christmas.  See those alligators climbing up on the roof? I believed that for the longest time. I wish everyone could hear my Dad read it.  It's an experience you'll never forget, let me tell ya! 
Maggie and the magical button that lights up and plays Jingle Bells! Oh how she danced to that button! 
And now for a long winters nap.


Sutherland Family said...

I wanna hear your dad read the story. I read it to my family every year and hear Mike's voice in my head. Haha!

Cari said...

Hahahha I have that book!!!!!

Mary Anne said...

Rachel's face in that first one makes me laugh! And now I totally want to hear your dad read that book! I've never heard of it before. But alligators on the roof? It's gotta be good.