Tyler found a snake in the backyard.
Naturally, he bought inside the house.
(insert huffy breath)
Despite Mommy's enthusiasm, the kids LOVED it.
Except possibly Rachel... as you can see by her expression here,
it took some time to warm up to Mr.Wiggles.
Truly and completely Maggie was the true owner of this snake.
She named him.
She watched movies with him.
She never let him out of her sight.
Except that one time she did and we found him a couple days later in the downstairs bathroom.
(insert another huffy breath)
Period. Exclamation Mark. End of story.
Those eyes...
So excited about Mr.Wiggles!!!
Just fascinating! lol!!!
Momma says- Who cares about Mr. Wiggles! Check out this picture of my boy!
(holds up camera to show everyone the awesome picture...)
***no one looks***
How rude.
Its funny the things that can make a child's day.
A garden snake is all it takes for a great day in the Payne household.
If Daddy ever brings in a scorpion or tarantula there will be no pictures.
Except possibly one of my dead husband.
Sort of.
No really I'm kidding! ;)
Naturally, he bought inside the house.
(insert huffy breath)
Despite Mommy's enthusiasm, the kids LOVED it.
Except possibly Rachel... as you can see by her expression here,
it took some time to warm up to Mr.Wiggles.
Truly and completely Maggie was the true owner of this snake.
She named him.
She watched movies with him.
She never let him out of her sight.
Except that one time she did and we found him a couple days later in the downstairs bathroom.
(insert another huffy breath)
Period. Exclamation Mark. End of story.
Those eyes...
So excited about Mr.Wiggles!!!
Just fascinating! lol!!!
Momma says- Who cares about Mr. Wiggles! Check out this picture of my boy!
(holds up camera to show everyone the awesome picture...)
***no one looks***
How rude.
Its funny the things that can make a child's day.
A garden snake is all it takes for a great day in the Payne household.
If Daddy ever brings in a scorpion or tarantula there will be no pictures.
Except possibly one of my dead husband.
Sort of.
No really I'm kidding! ;)
Jess! These pictures! That Luke shot!!! Gahhh. Ps. I loved snakes as a kid, too.
Amazing pictures! The snakes will get bigger as the kids get older! Just say'in! So save some more huffy breaths!! Hehe
Huffy breaths here - and they are just pictures LOL. Love the name wiggles - that is how my stomach feels.
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