Monday, May 18, 2015

Little Boy with Chocolate Chips

After church everyone needs a snack and a nap.
This mama needed a sit down. 
So I poured a handful of chocolate chips on the counter and headed for the couch.
Then he was just too cute. 
So I got my camera...
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I took his plug! heehee!
That sneaky Mommy! Caught red handed!
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Little boy, are those chocolate chips good?
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Those toes... always pressed up against the wall. 
Sometimes I clean the toe smudges.
And sometimes I don't.
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There's a fierce love I have for this little boy.
It's incredibly hard to explain.
Basically, there's nothing I wouldn't do for this little dude.
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When'd you get so dadgum big!?
Cut it out little boy!!!!
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After he ate his chocolate chips and got his new shirt completely slimed, 
we headed upstairs to rock.
I love to rock him.
It's my favorite.
And the perfect reward for making through church with these three hoodlums!
Happy Sunday!
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