Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Austin- "Home Sweet Home"

I never thought I'd say this but I LOVED living in Austin.  Yes, it was only 6 weeks, but it seemed like so much longer. And in a good way. 

I've become an expert at temporary living. When Tyler called me and told me that we'd be living in Austin the month before deployment started I said, "you've got to be kidding me!". I was so stressed out.  And yet it ended up being the absolute best thing that could happen.  Let me just say that the past year and half of moving around from training to training has been... hard. You just don't see things like this coming.  Even with all the preparation, schooling, and praying we found ourselves caught in the dreadful land of unemployment.  Let me tell you, it's not a fun place to be.  In fact, we found ourselves wishing and hoping that deployment would just come sooner.  Now that is just sad. 

That being said, I can tell you something that I doubted and I dare say didn't believe 6 months ago and it is this- Heavenly Father know's our situation.  And He has a plan.  Not only a plan, but a marvelous one at that! I can feel it in my bones. It's true. 

I daydream, fantasize, even squeal like a little piggy at the idea of having my own home one day.  I'm not talking about a dream house or a new house... just a space that's all mine to do with as this Mommy pleases. Oh to organize, to decorate, to build! Like I said- squeal. But I know that I have to be patient, my time will come.  All I can say is what I've already said- Heavenly Father has a plan. Look for the bare necessities. 

Austin for me was a dream come true.  I got my little space to do with how I please.  Every morning I went to CrossFit Camp Mabry, came home and took Tyler to work, played with my babies, picked him up from work, played with my hubby and babies some more, and then cuddled all night long. Now that is what I call, heaven. Oh and the amazing running trails in Austin! fabulous. It's were I really lengthened my stride and ran distances I've never ran before. It was home. It was an answered prayer. It was a dream come true.  I cried the entire way home! hahaha! What a big baby, right?
I could so live in Austin again! Here are a few pictures... I'm afraid it's not much.  I was too busy being in Mommy heaven.    

     Inspired by pinterest. I may not have anything of my own in this apartment but I had to make it homey somehow!  I love my wreath!  
While on the topic of pinterest... it's amazing! I saw a picture of a little girl with her hair done like this and decided to give it a try on Miss Rachel... I like it! 
The Capital of Texas
And another one... neither one of them are all that great, oh well! 
Us out to dinner the night before going home...
trying to get family pictures with a tripod--- such a pain!! I so need to get a good family picture. Of all the shots I tried this was the most decent... and it still needs some serious help! Maggie look at the camera, Rachel please try to smile for the camera, why is there a big gap between us?, Tyler are you slouching or is the stone wall just uneven? Goodness Gracious. We need some serious help! Any takers? 

The girls weren't cooperating so we ditched them! HA! 
And just like that- goodbye Austin. I will miss you.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun place! And I totally understand the family pictures on a tripod thing, bummer! You look beautiful by-the-way Jess! Just keep pluggin' away and soon you will have your own little space!!