Sunday, February 19, 2017

Bedtime Stage

You know... stages. The throwing a fit stage, the only Mom can buckle me in stage, 
the have to take a bath after every meal stage...
Well, this is the stage we're in with Luke...
When transiting Luke from a crib to a bed we'd put him to bed and lock the door so 
he could wander around everywhere and then open it after he fell asleep.
Since becoming potty trained, we've stopped that and he has learned that he can 
just walk out the door. So we find him in random places around the house when we go to bed. This time it was on the stairs...
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Oh my Lukeman... you're so cute. 
Even if you don't stay in your bed.
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Being his Mommy is my favorite. 
P.S- I love this stage. 
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